The Center for Public Feminism is made possible through generous donations. What follows is a list of things that we can make happen with your pledges and financial support. If you are interested in collaborating with us to make one of these projects (or others!) happen at your school, non-profit organization, or company, please reach out to us! We’d love to work together.
$100,000 build a feminist mini golf course
$20,000 sponsorship of public feminism art making workshop
$10,000 Building a single mini golf hole
$7,500 Creating a public feminism art exhibit
$5,000 Publishing a feminist zine
$2,500 trivia time episode on a feminist topic
$1,000 Supporting students’ translations of Feminist, Queer, Trans, Disability, and Critical Race Studies arguments through mini grants so that these projects can circulate beyond the classroom
If you are interested in collaborating with us to make one of these projects (or others!) happen at your school, non-profit organization, or company, please reach out to us!